Privacy Notice


Privacy Notice for RiskSec Toronto (“,” “we,” “us,” or “our”)

Understanding Your Privacy: How We Handle Your Information

Our commitment to safeguarding your privacy is at the core of what we do. This privacy notice outlines our practices, policies, and reasons for collecting, storing, using, and possibly sharing your information when you interact with our services (“Services”). It applies to instances when you:

  • Explore our website at or any of our websites linked to this notice.
  • Engage with us through various avenues such as sales, marketing, or events.

Questions or Concerns? Your Privacy Matters.

Reading this notice empowers you with an understanding of your privacy rights and choices. If you don’t agree with our policies, kindly refrain from using our Services. If you have any queries or concerns, reach out to us at [email protected].

Summarizing the Key Points

This summary encapsulates crucial information from our privacy notice. For detailed insights, you can navigate through the topics by following the links provided or by referring to our table of contents. You can also access the table of contents directly by clicking here.

  1. Personal Information Collection: The type of personal information we collect depends on your interactions with RiskSec Toronto, the Services, and your choices. This includes email addresses and names, among others.
  2. Sensitive Personal Information: Rest assured, we do not process sensitive personal information.
  3. Third-Party Information: We do not receive any information from third parties.
  4. How We Process Your Information: Your information is processed to enhance, administer, and communicate about our Services, as well as for security and compliance. We might process your data for other purposes with your consent, always ensuring a valid legal basis.
  5. Sharing Information: There are specific scenarios and categories of third parties with which we may share information.
  6. Securing Your Information: While we have strict security measures in place, no system is entirely immune to risks. While we work to protect your data, we cannot guarantee absolute security against unauthorized access.
  7. Your Privacy Rights: Depending on your geographical location, you may possess specific rights regarding your personal information.
  8. Exercising Your Rights: Initiating a request with us is the most straightforward way to exercise your privacy rights. We will handle and respond to your requests as per applicable data protection laws.

Unveiling Our Information Practices

What Information Do We Collect?

Personal Information You Share with Us: When you interact with us, register for our Services, or engage in related activities, we gather personal information that you willingly provide. This includes email addresses and names.

Information Automatically Collected: During your visits to our Services, certain information such as IP addresses and device characteristics is collected automatically. This data helps maintain the security and functioning of our Services.

How Do We Process Your Information?

We process your data to improve, administer, and communicate about our Services. Furthermore, we address security concerns and comply with legal requirements. We might process your information for additional purposes with your consent, always abiding by a valid legal basis.

What Legal Bases Do We Rely On?

Our data processing adheres to a valid legal basis under applicable law. This could be your consent, legal obligations, protection of vital interests, contractual requirements, safeguarding rights, or legitimate business interests.

Where you’re located geographically affects your rights under privacy law, so this section particularly applies to you if you’re in the EU or UK.

At RiskSec Toronto, we respect your privacy and strive to ensure transparency in our data practices. Your trust in us is fundamental, and we’re here to ensure your data is handled with care and in compliance with the law.


In Brief: We may employ cookies and other tracking technologies to gather and retain your information.

To access or store information, we may utilize cookies, along with comparable tracking technologies such as web beacons and pixels. Detailed insights into our use of these technologies, as well as the option to decline certain cookies, are detailed in our Cookie Notice.


In Brief: We retain your information for as long as necessary in line with the purposes outlined in this privacy notice, unless legally mandated otherwise.

The duration for which we maintain your personal information corresponds to the necessity established in this privacy notice, unless a lengthier retention period is mandated or allowed by law (including tax, accounting, or other legal obligations). None of the purposes listed herein will result in your personal information being retained for a duration exceeding the period during which users have an active account with us.

Once our legitimate business necessity to process your personal information has ceased, we will either anonymize or delete the information. In instances where immediate deletion is not possible (for instance, due to personal information being stored in backup archives), the information will be securely stored and segregated from further processing until such time when deletion is feasible.


In Brief: Our commitment to safeguarding your personal information involves a comprehensive system of organizational and technical security measures.

Our approach involves the implementation of reasonable and appropriate technical and organizational security measures. These measures are meticulously designed to uphold the security of any processed personal information. However, despite the comprehensive protection and our earnest attempts to secure your information, no method of electronic transmission over the Internet or storage technology is entirely impervious to risk. As such, we cannot guarantee or pledge immunity against unauthorized access, hacking, cybercrime, or other unauthorized third-party actions that may lead to the collection, access, theft, or alteration of your information. While our commitment remains steadfast, we emphasize that the transmission of personal information to and from our Services is undertaken at your own discretion and risk. It is advisable to access our Services within a secure environment.

July 2024
